Thanks for the wonderful training and facilitation the other day. Brilliant! We've got a group dedicated to developing the A3 for the process now. Wonderful job though and another step in the right direction. Many, many thanks.

~ Engineering Manager, Siemens Diagnostics


Ultimate Lean provides corporate and government training, Lean assessments, implementation, and consulting services.  We offer a variety of courses ranging from executive exposure to rigorous training suitable for engineers and managers.  Courses can be tailored for specific enterprises (manufacturing, services, government health care, etc.).

Current on-site training courses include:

  • 3P Lean product development
  • Lean Government
  • Lean in the Service Industry
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Lean Leadership
  • Lean Office/Service
  • A-3 Problem Solving

  • 5S/Visual Systems

  • Set-up Reduction